Color Quest

Inspiration ›  Balloon Contest Entries ›  Color Quest

Join the Qualatex® Color Quest

Now’s your chance to showcase your creativity in the Qualatex Color Quest Competition.

We’re looking for your best TWISTED balloon creation that features a signature Qualatex latex balloon color. Simply submit a photo of your best design for a chance to win!

参加 Qualatex® Color Quest!!

现在是你在 Qualatex Color Quest 比赛中展示创意的最佳机会!!

正在找本期指定 – Qualatex Cashmere 最佳的魔气球作品, 你只需提交你最棒的作品照片,就有机会品!

  • Review the Qualatex Color Quest Rules & Guidelines
    1. Only Qualatex balloons can be used.
    2. Entry must be a TWISTED balloon sculpture.
    3. Any shape or size of Qualatex balloon may be used in any quantity. However, the sculpture must contain at least 50% Non-round latex balloons (160Q, 260Q, 350Q, or 646Q).
    4. The sculpture should be created using only balloons. Minimal adhesive (glue dots or rubber cement) may be used. Markers may also be used to add detail.
    5. The majority of the sculpture must be inflated.
    6. The Qualatex Color Quest Competition color should be the dominant color of the sculpture.
    7. Likenesses of licensed characters will NOT be considered due to copyright laws.
    8. When submitting a design, you are verifying that the design is yours and not someone else’s. Pioneer Balloon Company is not liable for any submitted design that is incorrectly credited.
    9. There is no limit on entries per person per contest deadline.
    10. Photos must be 300 dpi and sent at the highest resolution file size possible via the form provided. Figures should be photographed against solid-color (preferably white) backgrounds. If possible, please submit multiple photos of your figure from different angles.
    11. All entrants agree to have their work and name featured in Qualatex promotional content.
    12. Entries will be judged on 1) originality and creativity, 2) quality of likeness, 3) balloon manipulation skills, and 4) use of the signature Qualatex color. 
    13. Winners will be selected by Pioneer Balloon Company. All decisions are final.
  • 请查看 Qualatex Color Quest 规则和指南
    1. 作品使用 Qualatex 气球。
    2. 作品必是魔气球造型作品。
    3. 可使用任何形状或尺寸的 Qualatex 气球,但造型必包含50%以上 的非形乳胶气球(160Q260Q350Q 646Q)。
    4. 作品只能用气球来作。可以使用少量的胶粘(胶点或橡皮胶水)。也可以使马克笔添加细节
    5. 作品的大部分必充气状
    6. Qualatex Color Quest 作品的主色调应该是本期比的指定色。
    7. 由于版问题评审不会考那些需授或与授角色很相像的作品。
    8. 在提交设计时,你需要自行确认设计是你自己的而不是人的。Pioneer Balloon 公司不任何设计的信誉问题承担任。
    9. 在本期竞赛截止日期之内,每位参者提交的作品件数没有限制。
    10. 照片必300dpi,并以件的最高分辨率文件大小送。应该使用色(最好是白色)背景。如可能,提交从不同角度拍的多幅照片。
    11. 所有参视为同意将他的作品和名字布在Pioneer Balloon 公司所有的相关媒体及Qualatex的推广内容。
    12. 作品将根据以下原则评定:1) 性和意,2) 相似度,3) 气球操作技巧,4Qualatex指定色的使用情况。
    13. 获奖者将由 Pioneer Balloon 公司出。所有决定都是最评审结果。

Submit entries here.

Submit your entries for Color Quest: CASHMERE by 12:00 a.m. CST on March 1, 2024. PLEASE SUBMIT ONE FORM FOR EACH DESIGN ENTERED IN CONTEST.


在 2024 年 3 月 1 日 CST 上午 12:00 之前提交您的 Color Quest: CASHMERE 参赛作品。请为每个参赛的作品提交一份表格。

Click here to see past contest photos. | 请点击这里欣赏过去Color Quest参赛作品


There will be three winners per contest period

1st Place winner will receive:

  • Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
  • 25 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors

2nd Place winner will receive:

  • Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
  • 15 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors

3rd Place winner will receive:

  • Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
  • 8 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors



  • 他或她的参作品将被展示在 Qualatex 相关推广内容中,并标明设计师姓名
  • 25 Qualatex 260Q气球(100 只装)


  • 他或她的参作品将被展示在 Qualatex 相关推广内容中,并标明设计师姓名
  • 15 Qualatex 260Q气球(100 只装)


  • 他或她的参作品将被展示在 Qualatex 相关推广内容中,并标明设计师姓名
  • 8 Qualatex 260Q气球(100 只装)


E-mail us  or call 1-800-865-4603 (316-685-2266 outside the USA)


请发电 或致 1-800-865-4603(美国境外 316-685-2266)。